Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Minimalism: What role does recycling play?

As the Marie Kondo craze sweeps the nation with her new show on Netflix and spring cleaning is beginning due to the upcoming change of season, tidying up may be on your brain. While this looks different for everyone, maybe for you this means getting rid of clutter that’s been sitting around. Maybe it means getting new furniture to replace the old to create a more minimalized and appealing space. Whatever it is, the trend of minimalism and tidying up is catching on.

To minimalize means to make something minimal. When it comes to our homes and offices, what does this mean getting rid of? Today we’ll discuss some common things to get rid of during a cleaning spree and how to decide what can be recycled and what can’t. At Gold Circuit E-Cycling, we believe in recycling any and all materials that can be. We know it’s not always as easy as just going to the recycling bin, which is why our business works for people at any stage in their recycling process. We do the work for you! Read on to find out about some common items that you may be getting rid of that you may not know can be recycled!

Decluttering Old Electronics
If you find yourself looking through your home office or an old cabinet and coming across electronics like computers, TVs, or gaming systems that are just taking up space, don’t be quick to throw them away. Our facility can recycle e-waste and disassemble it down to the basic components. Once they’re disassembled, it’s then sorted and separated to recycle what we can. As a safety feature, we also offer hard drive destruction so you can rest assured knowing your data is safe.

Getting New Furniture
While the idea of adding new furniture to your home may sound like the opposite of minimalism, they can have a purpose. For example, some people might opt for matching couches or coffee tables with storage built in to help rid the space of clutter. If you’ve got mismatching furniture that you’ve collected over the years, it can create a bit of a chaotic look which can go against the art of minimalism. If you’re beginning to create a more uniformed and minimalistic look through getting new furniture, have you thought about what you’re going to do with the old items yet?

It might be tempting to take them to the dump for easy disposal, but there’s a better way. Don’t let them sit in a dump for years and years. We can take your old furniture – including desks, chairs, recliners, couches, and dressers – and remove any steel that exists and further recycle the wood and materials that remain. If you want to read more about what it looks like to recycle mattresses, you can read more here. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with any questions you might have. We’d love to help you make the right choice for your recycling your furniture.

Out with The Old Materials
If you’re an Amazon-ordering superstar or maybe just have accumulated a large number of documents, we’ve got you covered. Rather than tossing boxes and papers into trash bags as you clean, recycle them responsibly. We’re able to collect corrugated cardboard on site where it is baled and sent to the paper mill. From there, it’s recycled into paper napkins. Your boxes get to go on to live another day and your home gets free from all the clutter they bring! With papers, we don’t just recycle them, we shred them. Our NAID Certified Partner Valley Green Shredding will provide document shredding for $.89 a pound. Get rid of the clutter in a responsible way that keeps your sensitive information safe.

If you’re interested in learning more about how to reduce the amount of trash you produce in general, you can learn more here. We’re committed to getting you the right tools you need to make the choice that is best for your home and for our environment. Amidst the trend of minimalism, make sure you’re making the responsible decision about how to clear your space in the process.

Have questions? We’re here to help. Give us a call at 888-283-0007
Want more info on pricing? You can visit us online here to find out more.

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